Music Committee

1. The Committee shall have the authority of the Kirk Session:

a) within its allocated budget, to purchase new music for the Choir, to replenish library stocks for the Choir and to purchase hymnbooks (including Large print) for the Congregation when required.

b) within its allocated budget, to care for and regularly maintain the musical instruments owned by or on loan to the Cathedral (with the exception of the Organ and Handbells),as required or as notified by the Organist or other user.

c) within its allocated budget, to maintain the Choir Robes, including replacement as required.

d) to provide advice and assistance where required to all Organisations (congregational or otherwise) and to produce musical events in the Cathedral with the approval of the Kirk Session.

e) within its allocated budget, to fund the development of music in the Cathedral through scholarships.

f) to be a resource and support to the Organist, Choir and others involved in the music of the Cathedral.

g) to co-opt further members to the Committee in addition to those appointed by the Kirk Session.

2. The Committee shall require the approval of the Kirk Session for all matters not specified above, and any activity or event involving significant expenditure not previously budgeted for shall be brought forward for full consideration of the Kirk Session.

3. The Committee shall regularly circulate reports of its activities for the information of the Kirk Session, and shall give an annual report to the Kirk Session at the June meeting, at which all its activities shall be reviewed

Click here to contact the convener of the Music Committee.