Youth Committee
1. The Committee shall have the authority of the Kirk Session:
a) exercise the Kirk Session's responsibility for supervising the work of the Cathedral's Youth Organisations.
b) to be fully responsible for the recruitment of staff to all Youth Organisations, following the Church's procedures for the protection of children and young people.
c) to serve as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between the various groups under the care of the Committee and to identify suitable resources to assist these groups.
d) within its allocated budget, to provide for all of the groups under its care & ensure their smooth operation.
e) generally to facilitate the progress of children and young people through the stages of the Youth Organisations.
f) to hold an AGM to which all staff of Youth Organisations and members of the Committee will be invited.
g) to recommend for appointment by the Kirk Session Liaison Elders who will serve as direct links between each group and the Kirk Session; and also to co-opt further members to the Committee in addition to those appointed by the Kirk Session.
2. The Committee shall require the approval of the Kirk Session for all matters not specified above, and any significant matter affecting children and young people within the Cathedral shall be brought forward for full consideration of the Kirk Session.
3. The Committee shall regularly circulate reports of its activities for the information of the Kirk Session, and shall give an annual report to the Kirk Session at the June meeting, at which all its activities shall be reviewed.
Click here to contact Ruth Butchart, Convener of the Youth Committee.