
Most churches have tables. They are a reminder of the meals that Jesus shared with his friends.
A memory:
Put your hands on the communion table and recall a meal, around a table, you really enjoyed. Be thankful for the people who were there.
Bible verses:
You, God, prepare a banquet for me….. You welcome me as an honoured guest. You fill my cup up to the brim. Your house will be my home as long as I live. (From Psalm 23)
A prayer:
Food is life, God.
We can’t live without it.
Thank you for the food we enjoy.
Help us to share our food and our resources fairly and generously.
The community of Dunblane has a link with the community of Likhubula in Malawi.

Something to do:
If you are able, make a donation to Mary’s Meals. Details and a collection box are on the table.
When you get home invite someone round for a meal.