Alphabetical Contacts (Email)

1st Dunblane Girls' Brigade Company

Captain - Jacqueline Cassidy

4th Dunblane Guides

25th Stirling (Dunblane) Boys Brigade

Captain - Fraser Boyd

Bible Society

Co-ordinator - Jacqui Howes

Council of Churches



Dunblane Cathedral - Minister

Rev Colin C Renwick BMus BD


Dunblane Cathedral - Session Clerk

David Clark

Dunblane Cathedral - Administrator/Office

Eilidh Halliday (Temp.)

Dunblane Cathedral - Adult Education ("Thinking Allowed")

Convenor - Adrienne Smith

Dunblane Cathedral - Badminton Club

Co-ordinator - Janice Strathdee

Dunblane Cathedral - Coffee Lounge - 'The Well'

Co-ordinator - Alison Wright

Dunblane Cathedral - Crèche

Dunblane Cathedral - Change Ringers

Tower Captain - Judith Frye

Dunblane Cathedral - Data Protection

Data Protection Officer - Chris Wilson


Dunblane Cathedral - Director of Music (Music, Organist and Choirmaster) & Choir

Director - Kevin Duggan
​Choir Communications (Choir Facebook and Choir Web Page) - Chris Wilson

Dunblane Cathedral - Finance Team

Convenor - David Williams


Dunblane Cathedral - Flower Committee

Co-ordinator - Ros Wilson

Dunblane Cathedral - Gift Aid

Registrars - Brian and Christine Melville

Dunblane Cathedral - Guild

Convenor - Janice Strathdee
Website - Lesley Brunton


Dunblane Cathedral - Halls Staff Liaison


Dunblane Cathedral - Handbell Ringers

Director - Malcolm Wilson

Dunblane Cathedral - Health & Safety

Health & Safety Officer - TBA    

Dunblane Cathedral - Indoor Bowling

Co-ordinators - John & Elizabeth Kilby

Dunblane Cathedral - IT and Website Support

Administrator - Chris Wilson

Dunblane Cathedral - Live Streaming Team

Co-ordinator - Chris Wilson

Dunblane Cathedral - Lunch Club

Co-ordinator - Ros Wilson

Dunblane Cathedral - Magazine

Editors - David & Gail Williams

Dunblane Cathedral - Membership Roll

Rollkeeper - Dorothy Millar

Dunblane Cathedral - Music Committee

Convenor - Tony Bragg

Dunblane Cathedral - Pastoral Care Co-ordinator

Ruth Astbury


Dunblane Cathedral - Postal District Elder

Ewing Wallace

Dunblane Cathedral - Property

Convenor - Ivor Butchart

Dunblane Cathedral - Safeguarding

Co-ordinators - Fiona Tullis/Margaret Logie

Dunblane Cathedral - Treasurer

Elizabeth Wallace

Dunblane Cathedral - Revelation  Youth Group

Leader - TBD

Dunblane Cathedral - Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc.)

Administrator - Malcolm Wilson

Dunblane Cathedral - Stewardship

Convenor - TBA

Dunblane Cathedral - Youth

Co-ordinator - TBA

Dunblane Cathedral - Youth Committee

Convenor - Ruth Butchart


Dunblane Cathedral Arts Guild

Chairperson - Ruth Bamforth

Dunblane Likhubula Partnership

Dunblane Museum

Curator - Marjorie Davies


Leighton Library

Custodian: Michael Osborne


Society of Friends of Dunblane Cathedral

Treasurer - Dr David Scott
Secretary - Ewing Wallace

StartUp Stirling

Link to referral process


Christine Stephen