Kirk Session Private Area

January 2024 - Elder Contact Details

Elders Contact Details 2024

Welcome to the secure area for members of the Kirk Session of Dunblane Cathedral.


For data protection reasons, Elders' personal data must not be easily accessible, nor must it be printed off. The data given on the pages is not public and should not be shared in any way. It is not able to be printed or copied, but it can be downloaded safely onto your device if you so desire. The password is the one to access this page. This is in compliance with Dunblane Cathedral's Data Protection policies. If you wish to comment or discuss, please contact the Data Protection Officer here. The files affected are the Elder's Contact Details and the Rota Sheet.

If you wish to access previous Kirk Session papers, since 2011, please click HERE to contact the Cathedral IT Administrator to receive the link via email. Papers for the current session will be found on this page.

If there are any errors or omissions, please contact the Session Clerk HERE.

If there are any technical issues, please contact the Cathedral IT Administrator by clicking HERE.